Martin Bochnig wrote:
> Martin Bochnig wrote:
> >Martin Bochnig wrote:
> >>>Maybe getuserattr() or getauthattr() ?
> >
> >Plus getpublickey()
> >
> >Or don't those work with "files" as NS ??
> >
> >*shrug*
> Exclusively from a shell script, no C?


> Can't you analyse the files in /etc directly then?

No, because in the case that the matching entries in /etc/nsswitch.conf
contain more than "files" you need nameservice-specific calls, one for
YP, one for NIS, one for NIS+, one for LDAP etc. - and you would have to
care about the lookup order and fallback behaviour if a nameservice is
down etc. etc. ...
... that's why I was thinking to extend /usr/bin/getent to include these
items if they are not available via other ways.

> Which other tools can be expected to be present

Just the shell...

> Under which user or role will the script run (root) ?

It should work with any user...



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