a b writes:
> Just having to compile `lsof` every time the kernel rev changes is already 
> too much overhead.

That's precisely what happens when something is part of the ON
consolidation.  That's actually a fairly good reason to argue *for*
integrating lsof into ON -- it gets recompiled every time the kernel
itself is compiled.

The argument against it is that even though use of private interfaces
inside the same consolidation is permitted, using "too many" of them
causes a entanglement that's unmaintainable.  It forces those working
in other areas to maintain lsof as well.  That's the argument for
having as many better (more deliberate) interfaces as possible.

> At any given day, there are many issues, feature requests 
> and fixes to the build, that it is really inefficient to have one more thing 
> to worry about -- some crappy utility written by an external 3rd party whose 
> only benefit is to show open ports and files.

Wow.  I sure don't feel that way, nor do I think anyone who has ever
suffered from a mysterious open port or a rapidly growing log file
would feel that way about it.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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