juan valdez stated:
< That works!
< Now to zip it all back up I did
< cd /tmp/b/
< cpio -oc > /tmp/a/x86.miniroot-modified

  Shouldn't need this cpio.  Just unmount /tmp/b and gzip again.

  what I've usually done is copy the x86.miniroot to x86.miniroot.to.change
  do the ungzip/lofiadm/mount on the x86.miniroot.to.change

  unmount this lofi mount

  and then just gzip the x86.miniroot.change

  Here I change the etc/motd in the miniroot:
   (I'm using the safe miniroot, but its the same with the install miniroot,
     btw, don't replace the original safe miniroot !)

# gzip -dc /boot/x86.miniroot-safe > x86.miniroot.to.change
# mkdir mnt
# lofiadm -a `pwd`/x86.miniroot.to.change
# mount /dev/lofi/1 `pwd`/mnt
# cd `pwd`/mnt/etc
# ls -l motd
-rw-r--r--   1 root     sys           53 Dec 20 18:07 motd
# echo "Hi Ya" >> motd
# ls -l motd
-rw-r--r--   1 root     sys           59 Jan 12 20:29 motd
# cd ../.. 
# umount `pwd`/mnt
# lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1
# gzip x86.miniroot.to.change 
# # and just to be sure mount it again..
# gzip -d x86.miniroot.to.change.gz 
# lofiadm -a `pwd`/x86.miniroot.to.change
# fstyp /dev/rlofi/1
# mount /dev/lofi/1 `pwd`/mnt
# cat `pwd`/mnt/etc/motd
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.11      snv_55  October 2007
Hi Ya

  after all this, the gzip'd filesizes are:

# ls -l x86.miniroot.to.change /boot/x86.miniroot-safe
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root     59044958 Dec 23 17:19 /boot/x86.miniroot-safe
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root     59040281 Jan 12 20:33 x86.miniroot.to.change

< but the file sizes are different:
< 154050560 bytes for x86.miniroot (original)
< 132227072 bytes for x86.miniroot-modified
< and 
< lofiadm -a /tmp/a/x86.miniroot-modified
< mount /dev/lofi/2 /tmp/c/
< gives the
< mount: /dev/lofi/2 is not this fstype
< which tells me my cpio flag's not set right, etc.
< Any quick clues on what's the best way to zip the miniroot back up into 
usable form?
< Thanks alot,
< J
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