> Hello juan,
> Thursday, January 11, 2007, 11:01:24 PM, you wrote:
> jv> One other desperate measure I attempted was to
> take the ramdisk
> jv> (x86.miniroot) file in /tftpboot
> I86PC.Solaris_10-1 folder and
> jv> gunzip it and either loop mount it to a temporary
> place (or use
> jv> cpio -a), then modify the /etc/defaults/nfs file
> as above and
> jv> re-gzip it back up to use it as the customized
> miniroot during
> jv> jumpstart (this type of thing has worked fine for
> me in creating
> jv> custom boot images in linux for usb device os
> installs, etc), but
> jv> I have other errors in that process also in
> Solaris.
> Actually above works perfectly - that's what I'm
> doing.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Robert
> ttp://milek.blogspot.com
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Thanks everyone, especially James Carlson whose second posting about lofiadm 
isn't showing up on this thread for some reason.

I got the modified x86.miniroot installed, and trying the kickstart again.

However, I'm still getting the 'Not owner' problem during pxe boot, which tells 
me that for whatever reason, it's probably not using the /etc/default/nfs file 
for the nfs client that the kernel is using the wrong nfs version (i.e., not 
version 3).

I'm in miniroot during the install (doesn't behave like I'm chrooted into 
/tmp/root), and it's confusing.

Root is mounted on /tmp/root
and I can create a directory like /tmp/root/install
and mount the dhcp/nfs (linux) server using the -overs=3 in the mount command.
However I can't create any folders in, say /mnt directory.
I guess what I'd like to know now is what is the installation mount point 
default onto which the install_media nfs share is mounted?

If I can know that, most likely I can resume install after the manual mount.
Or if there's a way to tell during install where the nfs share is mounted, 

Many thanks to everyone again.

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