>> No Sir, I don't think so.
>> I would simply employ more of the RBAC features and perhaps create a user
>> called admin with considerable influence as well as enable *some* of the
>> audit features in Solaris.  One has to be careful with that however as you
>> can fill a disk with audit logs daily on a busy server.
>> People, ordinary users, do NOT ever need to be root.
> Well, I wouldn't have been able to do my job on most of the work systems
> I've had for the past 30 years without root or equivalent access a lot
> of the time.  (Not even counting systems where my job included being the
> sysadmin.)  Software development is like that.

  As a sysadmin you would need the rights required to admin the system.

  As a software developer I wwould not grant you root access at all. No need
 for it unless you were doing kernel module work or drivers or similar. In
 that case I would drop a separate system on your desk or in your department
 but never would I hand out root level access to the new SunFire 6900 server
 just because someone says they need it to do regular software development.

 But I want to hear your reasons why. Really. This is why Zones are great.


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