
Given how quiet things were during the holidays, I've merged 2 weeks together in
the latest edition of the weekly news. Hopefully we're now back on track,
apologies for the delays.



> Stephen Hahn mailed [1] discussing the need for restricted integration builds 
> of
> OpenSolaris (having written previously in his blog [2]) suggesting that a 
> 2 build restriction be placed every 3 months. Richard Lowe questioned [3] how 
> it
> would work leading up to a Solaris release, which had a longer period of
> stabilization, and pointing out [4] that gate handling get complicated with 
> each 
> vendor added when OpenSolaris remains just a source base and not a binary 
> product.
> 1. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-code/2007-January/003749.html
> 2. http://blogs.sun.com/sch/entry/opensolaris_restricted_builds_through_the
> 3. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-code/2007-January/003754.html
> 4. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-code/2007-January/003778.html
> Norm Jacobs proposed [5] project 'Presto', for automatic printing 
> configuration; 
> to improve Solaris approachability, specifically the print service, by
> automatically (or as automatically as possible) discovering and
> configuring access to directly attached, network attached, and remotely
> served printers.
> 5. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/printing-discuss/2007-January/000191.html
> John Plocher mailed [6] to say that he was resyncing the ARC caselog mirror,
> cleaning up some issues that had been experienced over the end-of-year
> transition.
> 6. http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/arc-discuss/2007-January/000171.html
> Stephen Harpster mailed [7] to say that Sun management had approved and signed
> the constitution. Simon Phipps commented [8] that there was a need to get an 
> elected under the new rules as soon as possible. Stephen mailed [9] with an 
> update on the actions required for the new OGB to be elected, including 
> finalizing 
> the contributors list, proposing a schedule, and setting up the logistics for 
> a vote.
> 7. http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/cab-discuss/2007-January/001378.html
> 8. http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/cab-discuss/2007-January/001380.html
> 9. http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/cab-discuss/2007-January/000710.html
> Joerg Schilling mailed [10] announcing the first porting results for SCCS.
> SCCS now compiles and runs on SunOS 4, SunOS 5 and Linux.
>     (mailman archives appear to be incomplete for December-2006)
> 10. http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=80557&#80557
> Colin Zou proposed [11] a new project to enhance the support of USB webcams,
> delivering a set of userland libs and applications. Dachuan Fir Qin proposed
> [12] a project for supporting more ahci-compliant chipsets and adding more 
> features to ahci driver.
> 11. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-discuss/2007-January/022985.html
> 12. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-discuss/2007-January/023088.html
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