> Are you suggesting, somebody could have ported
> SUNWspro to another
> Architecture for that little money?

I'm suggesting that the long term gains of such an action would have outweighed 
the costs by far.

> No, POLARIS is not in the works, aha.
> It does not compile thanks a gcc-Xcomplier and
> alsmost boot into user
> land now.

Exactly, it's in the works, not 'out and readily usable'. So the port isn't 
finished. The count is still at 0.

And there's an old US colloquialism that says "almost" only counts in horse 
shoes and hand grenades.

> Then: Remember the problems, distributors had with
> SUNWspro-built c++
> code, when the shared C++ libs had been
> unredistributable.

I though about this problem for a long time. The shared object libraries are 
conceptually a great thing, since they can be reused by multiple applications 
and are reeentrant, so that system resources such as memory can be saved.

But in reality, this model does not work very well, as open source software has 
clearly demonstrated with a myriad of dependencies. And with the memory being 
cheap nowdays, the statically linked binaries are no longer such a burden on 
the system's memory resources.

Another issue is that a piece of software might rely on some very specific .so 
libs that no other software would have use for -- in which case a dependency 
has been created for something that *might*, or *might not* be needed by other 
applications in the future. I say, if it's needed in the future, *then* provide 
the .so, otherwise -- keep it simple!

> And even today: I can re-distribute them but they
> might never go open
> source.

And that's a problem, why exactly? Why must everything be open source?

> And, finally, QEMU is tightly integrated into how gcc
> works.
> There is *NO* non-gcc compiler, on any OS or any
> ARCH, that could bring
> QEMU to work.
> Only gcc.

So pretty much all the effort of Kernighan & Ritchie that went into creating a 
*portable* language has been thrown out of a window!!!
More X-mas tree experts at work. That's why some people shouldn't be allowed to 
even go near a computer, let alone "crank out" code.
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