Edward Diener wrote:

> I installed Solaris Express Community Release b50 on my computer but
> the installation process did not setup my ethernet card for me which
> allows me to connect to my lan and to the Internet via a router and a
> DSL modem. How do I do this this under Solaris Express ?

First setup lan, is your NIC supported, what is your NIC???
Try ifconfig -a plumb;ifconfig -a dhcp

Look here for free NIC drivers:

Or there, if you need to port your device from linux or bsd:
"Sun has released (9/2000) a free network driver porting kit ..."

Use google, there is some other open porting project, but I don't find
it now.

_After_ your NIC is detected, run as root:
route add default [yourrotersIPv4]
echo [yourrotersIPv4] > /etc/defaultrouter
echo [yourDNS_IPv4] > /etc/resolv.conf
cp /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf

Should work now.
See at least the following man pages: ndd, ifconfig, route, netstat

For Menu-driven reconfiguration of whole host's identity do:


Much success.

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