>What I mean was 
>  --Works in x86 32bit but not in 64bit, and not in Sparc
>  --Works with Bash but not ksh
>  --Works with single core but not dual or even 8 cores
>  --Works with cli but crashes X Window

None of these are considered acceptable at Sun.

>Can a "project" be long-lived enough to allow for long-term
>development by a largish team (like doing an 12 month project for a
>team of 15 without getting hopelessly away from the main branch?

Yes, I don't see why not.  Development does not happen in the main
branch; the main branch takes finished projects.

>Could you see dog-slow code (but working correctly) code in the main
>branch? For example, a utility written in Python rather than C/C++?

Correctness is very important; the only rule performance is "no
performance regression".

>Could you humor me and tell me, in your opinion, what a team composed
> entirely of non-Sun people would have to do to reverse-engineer the
>binary-only code? Pull a samba?

Well, Samba is easy because it's over the net; the libc interfaces
are relatively straightforward also.  The device drivers not so

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