Christopher Mahan writes:
> > You don't install OpenSolaris; you'd install Solaris, Schillix,
> > Nexenta,
> > etc...
> Casper, Thanks for that tidbit.
> Would you mind exploring that a bit further? I'm now very confused...
> OpenSolaris is not a Kernel, not a distro, but something in between?
> Explain please... And if you can, make comparisons to well-known
> products... 

It's been discussed here many times before.  It's a source repository,
akin to for Linux.  You don't execute source.

The distributors take the source, compile it, package it, and put it
into neat DVD images for installing on a system.  That's what Sun's
Solaris, SchilliX, Nexenta, BeleniX, MarTUX, and the others are.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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