Mike Kupfer writes:
> >>>>> "Dan" == Dan Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dan> It'd be interesting to hear from the folks using cr.grommit.com
> Dan> whether they've gotten substantive codereview feedback.
> Yes, definitely.  Though I don't get much response to preliminary
> webrevs.

I've published quite a few things via cr.grommit.com, done my best to
document what I'm doing and why, and I've gotten pretty much zip in

At a guess, it seems that smallish changes attract bike-shed comments,
while larger ones float by silently like errant icebergs.

As to the larger point, I don't necessarily agree that "every" review
needs to go through a central repository.  That sort of process just
doesn't scale well, particularly for something as large as ON.  The
reviews get lost in the noise.  Instead, for small changes, I find one
or a handful of known experts in the area and ask them.

Yeah, I agree that's not the most "open development" answer that one
could possibly muster, but I still think it needs to be part of the
long term direction.

(Perhaps if we had a nifty-keeno tool for organizing large batches of
in-progress reviews ... but, no.)

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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