> You know, there are people over there who say the
> same thing about  
> us.  I don't agree with them either.

I'd say you're right, there probably are; but, people like me care as much for 
them as they do for me. No problem there.

The thing is this:

they said Sun is closed and proprietary -- you've given them most contributions 
of any company;

they said Solaris is "Slowlaris" and that "Linux rulez" -- Solaris now runs as 
fast or faster than Linux;

then they said Solaris is closed source and proprietary, and that open sourcing 
Solaris is a lie -- OpenSolaris exists for more than a year now;

they complained and moaned how the tools are not gratis -- Sun has released the 
whole middleware stack and the compilers for free-as-in-beer.

You -- we all -- consistently proved them wrong, point for point -- but what 
good did it bring?  Those people are stuck -- no matter what we as a community 
and no matter what Sun did, they kept making up one excuse after another.  
They're still not using Solaris, still prefer GCC to Sun Studio, still complain 
how Solaris isn't GPL.  So let me ask you all this: if Solaris is GPLed, what 
will the next excuse be?

Those guys aren't going to accept Solaris.  They're fundamentalists who don't 
use something based on technical merit, but based on ideological merit.  And to 
me, that's the wrong reason to use an OS.

The only way those people might ever be *compelled* to accept Solaris is if 
Solaris delivers everything Linux has, but in a Solaris way -- a clearly better 
way -- and markets that, point for point.  It's the software availability and 
the end users and customers that will make or break Solaris -- not a few 
million Linux geeks stuck in their ideological dogma.
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