>* Richard L. Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-02-20 21:41]:
>> I still think feeding the lists to a dedicated news server could be the
>> cleanest approach to providing a way to read the messages by list in
>> a threaded manner.  Either the groups could be read-only, or (my preference,
>> since I'd rather not use an email interface for something like this) they
>> could be auto-moderated (must be able to be associated with a registered
>> email address), or else the server could require authentication (with one's
>> os.o account and password, I suppose).
>  Is there an NNTP server that offers this sort of posting policy?

Many require authentication before reading; would this be a "closed"
NNTP server (no feeds) and have everyone read from it directly?
If not, then that cannot be made to work; but having it all in
one place seems fine, I think.

>  Although it's not high on my infrastructure list (which is mostly
>  about development and governance at the moment), I don't have a
>  problem with running a news server eventually.  (I am nervous about
>  running news, mail, and web forums in fully gatewayed fashion,
>  however...)

I'd love to have a news server which properly deals with cross posting
too (I once wrote a mail2news gateway script which would recognize all
groups and just post it with the message id from the mail message
[this has some potential issues as the Usenet message id is restricted]
and so duplicate posts were prevented)

Usenet, it's just like RSS but better :-)

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