On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, Stephen Hahn wrote:
* Eric Boutilier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-02-23 09:56]:
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, Stephen Hahn wrote:
* Laszlo (Laca) Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-02-22 18:29]:
So the /usr/gnu proposal[1] was approved by PSARC.  Obviously, the
reason for defining /usr/gnu wasn't theoretical -- it allows moving
GNU packages from /usr/sfw to /usr or /usr/gnu and it helps us
integrating more GNU packages into Solaris.  We have already seen
the first few putbacks (m4, bison).

The JDS team (well, Dermot ;) is working on adding more packages
(mostly the tools required for building JDS).  Obviously, it's easier
for us to deliver these through the JDS consolidation.  However, they
really don't belong there.  Neither do some of the packages we already
deliver into Solaris, like Python, libpng, libogg, etc.

I think the GNU Solaris community would be a perfect place for these,
if it wasn't a community but a project (or a consolidation?).
I propose that we launch a project that aims for creating a repository
of spec files that follow the /usr/gnu rules.  Sun could pick the
packages that we want to integrate into Solaris and support, other
packages could be available from opensolaris.org with community support

How does this relate to:

SFW: If proven successful, it would gradually phase out SFW.  The idea
    is that this repository would be more inclusive (i.e. not only
    supported Solaris packages) and easier to contribute to than SFW.

CCD: Again, if proven successful, supersedes it.  One big difference is
    that the CCD installs to /opt, while this repository would install
    to /usr.

SFE: We have 200+ spec files written by various Sun and non-Sun
    community members here:
    Those that satisfy the /usr/gnu criterion of being listed in
    the FSF/UNESCO free software directory can be moved into the
    new repository (after some clean-up and testing).

I'm puzzled why it wouldn't be appropriate to just adjust SFW to take
either classic-SFW or pkgbuild spec files as part of its build
process.  There's a project, a C-team with knowledge about freeware
dependencies (that I'm sure would be happy to take on members), and an
ongoing effort to change its processes.

That is, why not just merge CCD, SFE, and SFW into a "freeware"
consolidation that delivers appropriately to /usr, /usr/gnu, and
elsewhere, and allow multiple build approaches?

(Just, please, don't tell me you wanted to avoid discussions that
might involve compromise...)

In other words, adjust the opensolaris.org sfwnv project to be a repository
that implements multiple build systems, and that feeds into the the Nevada
SFW and JDS consolidations and the Solaris 10 Companion CD.

That does seem to make more sense.

 I don't think I'd force any consolidations together.

Totally agree -- poor wording on my part. What I meant was that the JDS
consolidation could be the destination for certain packages that are
developed in the merged project/repository that you proposed, and the SFW
consolidation another destination, etc.


JDS functions
 quite well, in my opinion.  The CCD, on the other hand, has served its
 purpose and (for Solaris) a reexamination of its role vis-?-vis SFW
 and JDS is probably overdue.

 - Stephen

Stephen Hahn, PhD  Solaris Kernel Development, Sun Microsystems
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://blogs.sun.com/sch/

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