> Thank you for your frank feedback.
> In order to help us to improve OpenSolaris and
> StarSuite please provide 
> more details what particularly didn't work to your
> expectations. You 
> mentioned missing documentation, can you explain what
> type of task you 
> where about to perform? Where did you look for
> documentation ? As you 
> mentioned regression, which releases do you compare ?
> many thanks and best regards
> Christof

I am still trying to figure out whether it's because of my stupidity/senility 
or it's something else that I cannot control.  With the more recent builds of 
SXCE (I am currently running Build 56), when I try to type my last name 廖 , I 
have to press the page down key twelve (12) times before I am able to select 
the right Chinese word from a total of six possibilities.  This is borderlining 
OK if you only have occasional needs to type Chinese characters once a while.  
But to show this to native Chinese speakers, I would call that an 
embarrassment.  (I am using the Pinyin method, which is practically the only 
way for anyone without a Chinese keyboard to input traditional Chinese 

With regard to the bug in StarSuite/SuiteOffice (& the official version of 
OpenOffice.org), I have mentioned it in my previous posts but which is still 
unsolved.  Basically what happened is that, after I saved a file with a Chinese 
name, oftentimes the Chinese characters (of the name of the file) would show up 
as randomly mis-arranged when I use the OpenOffice dialog to try to open it.  
Consider if you save a file under the name OpenSolaris.odt, but it shows up in 
the file dialog as SoenOplaris.odt.  No business would buy software with such 
an obvious bug.  This bug can be easily solved (see SuSE and Pupa, a 
Fedora-derivative); all it takes is perhaps a good communication b/t Sun's 
sales (why no one is using/buying StarSuite) and OO/SO developers.
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