+1 from me (non-binding)

On 2/27/07, Peter Tribble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to propose a project (jkstat for short) to provide a Java
binding to the kstat library, so that system kstats can be accessed
from Java applications.

The project would aim to provide the basic API and JNI interface, and a
set of example tools to demonstrate its use.

This would provide a simple mechanism for a java application to gain
access to any system kstats, and would allow the construction of
graphical system observability tools to display the vast wealth of
information collected by kstats. The interface would also allow the
Chime DTrace visualization tool to link DTrace probes with kstat data.

Initial leaders for this project are myself and Tom Erickson.

I have already prototyped an implementation that demonstrates such a
project to be both feasible and useful. I would be delighted to receive
any comments or suggestions - or code assistance - that would improve
the project. See http://www.petertribble.co.uk/Solaris/jkstat.html

(Note that this proposal does not imply that my existing prototype is
preselected as the implementation to be used for the project, although
I believe it to be a useful starting point. It's going to need extensive
revision at the very least.)

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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