> I believe that's where Solaris is trying to head. It
> is advertised as "the most advanced OS"  and that
> could very well be but it's not the most advanced
> DESKTOP OS. If it were it should do all those things
> already mentioned and for the IT, Sys admin and the
> coders still have all the capabilities they are
> capable of using also.

You bring up some true and valid points, however, I'd like to remind you that 
Solaris was never advertized as the most advanced desktop OS.

And if we take into consideration that the desktop is dying a slow yet sure 
death, the long term usability of Solaris as being installed on a PC-bucket 
"fat client" as a desktop OS loses significance.

In ten years most of us will most likely be running thin clients powered by 
some sort of "set top box" home server, and desktop will be as relevant as last 
year's snow.
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