Would it help cost-wise to consider migrating some things? I would think at
least some of your apps/DB/mail systems could use the HW/SW infrastructure
and bandwidth that opensoloaris.org provides...

Re-reading this, and based some of the darker days this this
list has seen, I now fear a reply like the following (not
from Erast though of course!)...

So I figured I'd just reply in advance. :)

= Eric You Ignorant Pig, don't you get it! OBVIOUSLY, there are
= some projects who highly value total independence.
= Yours,
= Mountain Man[1]

Dear Mountain Man -- Sorry for the misunderstanding. I did
not intend to convey any personal sentiments about the value
of being independent, but rather about any resource issues
that the Nexenta project might be facing.

(IOW, I agree that total independence has great value.)

1. http://tinyurl.com/2ou9x3
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