There is an interesting thread rolling on on arc-discuss mailing list[1].
So I decided to try to take this to the [ON] consolidation level.
I wanted to discuss the open/closed PSARC case integration issue
with the ON C-Team on the ON consolidation mailing list.
Apparently, ON consolidation does not have "own" mailing list, so
I am putting it on opensolaris-discuss.
Next surprise - ON C-Team - I have no idea what that body is.
besides little clause on development process page [2]


   Consolidation Team: the release team managing a specific Consolidation.

So, before I start with the PSARC case integraition policy -

1. ON C-Team - who are these people ?
2. How OpenSolaris community gets to know them ?
3. How many people are there ?
4. How the members of the C-Team are being [s]elected ?
5. Who can choose them ?
6. What it takes to get into C-Team ?
7. What kind of decisions C-Team makes or
 what kind of responsibility does it have ?
8. What kind of interaction with the community should
C-Team have ?


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