> Doing a dist-upgrade for a new driver seems a bit of
> an overkill and
> highly unlikely. Do you have a better example?

Haha, well that was what I could come up with because
that is how I got the si3124 driver on Nexenta. Is
there a source tarball or a binary package for the
si3124 driver? Is it possible to just plug a si3124
driver into the version of the Solaris kernel that
comes with b50 on which nexenta alpha6 is based? That
is, does the b50 kernel have the sata framework
available? How am I supposed to find out this kind of
information besides bugging people on a list?

Of course, a dist upgrade would be overkill for a
driver...it is more appropriate when we want a whole
bunch of tool chains that was not previously

But then, I do not know much about what is in a
certain Solaris kernel let alone how to compile one or
a driver (i guess this is documented on docs.sun.com?)
so I can only rely on a packager to do it for me and
if package don't provide said driver at a certain dist
version but do at a later one am I supposed to get
smart and try to look for the sources and if I find
them, to then compile it for the currently installed image?

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