> Most of your confusion seems to stem around not
> understanding the
> updates are handled differently for the Community
> and Developer
> releases of Solaris than the "official" release.

Thanks Shawn. I was trying to point that the current
methods available do not fly against what is available
elsewhere. This is not a case of doing it the linux
way...it is a case of doing it in a way that is
practical and manageable.

> The official release has an update manager that
> provides new driver,
> fixes, patches, etc. The Community and Developer
> releases do not; if
> you want to upgrade with those, you use the upgrade
> functionality
> provided by the installer with each new release.

So Open Solaris/Solaris 10 is not quite ready for
production then? I guess it is hard to
tell...unsupported version don't have the tools,
supported version has tools but I am not sure that
they are quite what I would want to manage clusters of
boxes or maybe even a single box if i am paranoid...

nexenta has the tools but it is a bit on the late
side, needs some more help, uses gcc + gnu ld on sun c
library and has no extensive stability record that sun
cc compiled and sun ld linked stuff have.

What is open solaris' goal I wonder...to be everywhere
on servers...desktops...or ???

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