>>  This is for review.
>> goto : http://www.blastwave.org/docs/index.html
>>   select doc BLS-0061
>> A lot of the pages were written when I was getting
>> tired and there will
>> be errors.  At the very least some dry humour and
>>  possibly rambling.
>> The topic or index page is still being written. It
>>  needs to point to
>> all the other pages or at least to main topics.
>> Yes, its a tad long. I count 170+ pages of html and
>>  I took I don't know
>> how many snapshot images.
>>  bash-3.1$ find . -type f | grep png | wc -l
>>      357
>> y .. a lot.
>>  Please let me know what needs to be fixed.
>> I want to add in branches for jumpstart paths to
>>  follow as well as a
>> whole writeup for recent Solaris Nevada.
> You did exactly what I was afraid you did: you sliced up the disk!

  hold on a sec ...


  That thing there is my principal sin ?

  What if I were to back up a few steps to here :


  Then I diverge the path into two alternate methods for setting up the

 wdyt ?


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