Joerg Schilling wrote:

>Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>No system to date is without sacrifice in some way for Solaris. I'd like 
>>to hear a lot more of how we can make Solaris be itself. I mean this in 
>>regards to pkgsrc wanting things in /usr/pkg, belenix wanting /usr/foss, 
>>and even Solaris using /usr/sfw...or duplication of libs running wild 
>>amongst the community, and even the gcc vs. SunStudio ABI situation with 
>>c++ code. This cross-ABI problem seems to bite us hard. Maybe the idea 
>>that our community can work together as a whole is merely a dream.
>I believe that the C++ ABI problem cannot be soved as this would force at 
>(all -1) compiler authors to completely change their internal compiler source 
>What we can do for the problem?
>-      Use as many pure C ABIs as possible
>-      Create something like /usr/lib/gcc/
>       to document the fact that the libraries inside are not compatible
>       with the Sun compiler C++ ABI
The Studio team are working on gcc ABI compatibility.  With the source
compatibility already in place, Studio CC may well end up as a drop in
replacement for gcc.

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