
I've multiple questions about multimedia stuff on Solaris.

1) How's video performance? I've yet to get VLC or Xine to build correctly, so 
my current tests are limited to the Flash 9 beta with YouTube. As soon the 
system load goes up, I've witnessed video playback by Flash getting jittery up 
to huge framedroppings. How do actual video playback applications perform, when 
using XVideo and whatever else there is?

2) Audio! From all I could find, there's only SADA, and any initiatives 
considered of upping the audio subsystem seem to have been abandoned. What are 
the plans in getting a rather modern subsystem, that can handle multiple input 
and outputs, multichannel and whatever else? I know that there's OSS, but 
there's some people considering it being a complete hack. FreeBSD's adopting 
their APIs for their own new subsystem. What are Solaris' plans?

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