I have been looking at http://x.org/ and there is a wiki but no link
that says documentation.  The current release 7.2.0 says that no
documentation exists because of bugs :


 Due to bugs in the documentation toolchain, documentation for
 this release is not available online at the moment. The press
 release is available.


A title search for "xorg.conf" results in :

 Title Search: "xorg.conf"
 0 results out of about 825 pages. (0.02 seconds)

So, 20 milliseconds to tell me nothing.  That's good response time at least. :-(

The docs.sun.com sites takes orders of magnitude longer to give me 18
hits. That is, at least, an improvement in content if not speed.  The
docs.sun.com site is sooo slow that to open a given page seems to take
60 to 90 secs each.  The only hits found were for things like release
notes and Solaris Express 12/05 issues.  Nothing definitive that
allows a sysadmin to say "this is the way of the future".

Is there a definitive document about xorg.conf

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