What is OpenSolaris?

Reality: (My observation, a bit cynical)
OpenSolaris is Sun's Solaris development team's project site. The
process has been opened up to the public, to expand the Solaris
developer community to include unpaid volunteers. (unpaid by Sun.)
Additionally, the Solaris code is now open sourced. Almost everything
about the project is driven by Sun's needs. (This is not necessarily a
bad thing, as Sun supplies most, if not all the funding. In addition
as far as user base of OpenSolaris derived technology, almost all of
it is Solaris users.)

Opensolaris.org website:
The project:
"The OpenSolaris project is an open source community and a place for
collaboration and conversation around OpenSolaris technology."
Three elements: Source code, developer community, website for collaboration
extension of OpenSolaris technology.

Initially, the OpenSolaris project included source for the core
kernel, networking, libraries and commands from the Solaris OS. Since
the launch, source for additional parts of the Solaris OS have been
released, and even more source will be available over time.

Ultimately, the repositories for most of the Solaris OS will be
available on opensolaris.org with non-Sun committers.

(What does the last sentence mean?)

The releases:
Solaris Express Community Release: This is a binary release for
developers. It's Sun's latest, unsupported release of the OpenSolaris
bits as well as additional technology that has not been released into
the OpenSolaris source base. Developers can build the OpenSolaris
source by using this release as the base system. The release also has
a code name -- Nevada -- and it's updated every two weeks.

(So why are people working on Nevada, if it's a Sun binary release?
Wouldn't it also be considered an OpenSolaris reference distro?).

OpenSolaris: This is the source base for Solaris development.
Currently, it consists of several technology components called
consolidations. See the Downloads Page for details on the technologies
that have been released, and the OpenSolaris Roadmap for the schedule
of upcoming technology releases. At present, the OpenSolaris source
base is not enough to bootstrap an entire system, so developers start
by downloading an OpenSolaris distribution and installing the
OpenSolaris bits on top.

(This implies a goal of having a source base that has enough bits to
bootstrap a system.)
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