On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 10:54:17AM -0700, John Mark Walker wrote:
> Coming from a Linux background, I don't expect OpenSolaris to look and 
> feel like Linux, but I do expect the OpenSolaris community to actively 
> engage with people like me. My impression is that, due to Sun's long 
> proud history (and BSD roots), some in the OpenSolaris and Sun 
> communities feel it is beneath them to recognize what Linux has been 
> able to accomplish. This is not the way to win over Linux users, and I 
> hope it is not the opinion of the majority of Solaris users.

Thank you for such a carefully considered post.  And you're exactly right:
we as a community need to lose the fear.  I think part of the problem is
the Solaris engineering tradition of seeking the Right Answer to tough
problems.  This ethos has served us very well in the development of
technologies like DTrace and ZFS -- but not so well in this domain, where
there are several right answers, and where one answer doesn't necessarily
preclude another.  

So folks that are enamored with the extant tool chain need not fear --
there will surely always be an easy way to get the vi or the tar of our
collective youth.  And folks that are worried that the sturm und drang
here on osol-discuss means that OpenSolaris will never change -- that they
will never be able to easily get _their_ tool chain of preference -- need
not fear either:  there is an unstoppable groundswell of interest in
bringing this kind of flexibility to OpenSolaris, and a silent majority
that eagerly awaits it.

Point is:  there isn't going to be One Answer, because we as a community
are not doing just One Thing with our operating system of choice.  This
is a Good Thing:  it reflects the growth -- and growing diversity -- of
our community.  This diversity is our vitality as a community, and we
should welcome it, not fear it...

        - Bryan

Bryan Cantrill, Solaris Kernel Development.       http://blogs.sun.com/bmc
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