Going back to my initial motivation to get involved with OpenSolaris,
and trying to find a common thread from conversations both within and
without Opensolaris.org, it seems that the biggest area that needs
addressing is the lack of a modern comprehensive packaging and
distribution standard for OpenSolaris/Solaris. (This needs to be made
a top priority)

In order to do that we need a set of common goals, defining what we
expect out of our modern packaging standard. I have started with a
list below. Let's work from there and see if we can't all agree on
what is ideal.

* Must support vertical dependency trees (To ease in installation.)
* Dependencies must support the concept of X version or above.
* Must support the concepts of bundles and horizontal
 dependencies. This is a concept where a group of packages
 need to be installed together, or not at all.
* Must be as fine grained as possible
* Must support multiple versions of individual packages
* Must support uninstallation that will check and warn about all dependents
* Must support source packages. (With all dependency info,
 allowing an install or upgrade via source).

Please cc anyone you think should be involved in this conversation.
(Also please forgive me if these goals have already been hammered out


P.S. - Please refrain from discussing implementation within this
thread. Once we get this list hammered out, we should be ready to
discuss implementation
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