On Fri, 18 May 2007, Jim Grisanzio wrote:

Alan DuBoff wrote:

OpenSolaris should belong to the community, the community should decide it's destiny, the community should be the sum of the entire community. Yes, Sun is a part of that, but it is only a part. It's not up to Sun to determine the destiny, IMO, and once revenue streams are attached to OpenSolaris, there seems more chance of that happening. Bottom line is that Sun needs to be careful with it's power, because it's not the only entity in the community.

I think the Charter and Governance articulate pretty well that the OpenSolaris Community controls its own destiny:

ARTICLE II: ... "The OpenSolaris Community has the authority and responsibility for all decisions pertaining to the OpenSolaris software and collaborative infrastructure within the scope defined by the OpenSolaris Charter."


Sure, but the problem with that is that the majority of the community and OGB is Sun employees. Sun can use their power to pay people to work on OpenSolaris, which is good, but it can also swing the scales in their favor.

Let's say the community does want to market OpenSolaris (I think that's kind of a dumb idea, but let's play along)...would they consult with Sun marketing do you think? I mean, has Sun marketing be that stellar in the past that those would be the folks that this community would turn to?<gd&r>

I don't know if hiring Ian was good or not, but it was certainly better than some of the ads I've seen Sun run in the past, or the conent that has been on the website. Some of the posters I've seen at Sun are some of the worst marketing I've seen, ever. Stuff that is complicated, has so much info that it can't be absorbed, and leaves the viewer wondering, "WTF is the point?" while scratching their head.

Now contrast some of that with some of Apples ads. A sillouette and an ipod, the only thing the sign says is "ipod", and it just clicks with people. A large billboard of the MacBook Pro 17" and all it says on the TFT is "Actual Size". These are effective ads.

Take the other side of Sun Marketing, there was an ad with a single V880 in a lab. What is that about?:-/ With Apple ads you know what it's about somehow, there is no secrets.


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group
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