Yes it is a matter of taste.Sincerely I have not a preference to use programs 
binary only or with all sources,but,which is the most common accepted idea of 
opensource? In my opinion is something like "program + sources".So the message 
for all could be clear: "Sun with opensolaris community offer an entire 
official distro with all sources in CDDL.What does mean it?

The idea that CDDL is really open as GPL or BSD. (No necessity to take another 
license like GPL (I hope))

The idea that Sun and OpenSolaris community are really open as any BSD or Linux 
community.Is not important to use the source code,but is important that it is 
avaliable for all.

At the end,I think is not important to have the best product (if it is in 
binary only) but is better to have an alternative with sources as default 
choice.If someone want (but the decision is personal) best product (eventually 
binary only) can download it.

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