> Sad story. But let's say the developers of the idea are
> python+framework+ui+graphics people, and they are os agnostic, and
> one of them says: we should get solaris because it'll scale, and if
> we can bring in Joe the Solaris Guru at founding and give him shares
> and make him Director of OS infrastructure...
> Sounds like the founders have their act together, no? But can they
> get the Solaris guy to leave his $120,000 corporate data-center
> multi-thousand server job? No. So they flounder around a bit and
> eventually get a University student who uses Gentoo who's all fired
> up.

What you describe is almost too good to be true. If that were indeed the case, 
I think that the Solaris guy might seriously be tempted.

Data centers run themselves. Sure there is always work to do, but it's all 

Who could say no to such an opportunity, to build stuff from the ground up once 
again, with all the errors from previous experience, corrected?

It would be a tough thing to say no to.

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