On 5/20/07, a b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > One picks Linux "as the best choice" only if one doesn't know what one is 
doing. It is as simple as that.
> This kind of thing is coming across more and more as irrational hatred.
> Take it elsewhere, it's not helpful.

It's not hatred, it's true. There is nothing Linux has that Solaris doesn't 

on x86, its still the sore point of drivers. Regardless of what your
views on what constitutes "running" -- I have many pieces of hardware
from '96 to the present that will run w/ Linux, but not with Solaris.
Probably a good 50-60% in fact. Why? As Ian says, its critical mass,
and no amount of being "better engineered" solves that.

Except that Solaris has more, much more. So anybody picking Linux as
"the best solution" does so out of pure ignorance and incompetence.

Ignorance and incompetence have no place in Informatics and Computer Science.

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