a b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If Sun continues with the [DEL] key being used to backspace-delete stuff, 
> that's just being unreasonable. I support Sun Microsystems and Sun engineers 
> 99% of the time, but this is 1% where even I have to write:

Looks like you did not understand the problem.

DEL is the correct way to go.

The problem is that the PC keyboards are not ergonomic and have
the BACKSPACE key where DEL belongs.

If you reassign BNACKSPACE to deelete characters, then many things
will not longer work correctly.

The best Solution I am currently aware is to use "rxvt" which locally
maps the BACKSPACE key event to a DEL key event.


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                (uni)  
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
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