On Thu, 31 May 2007, Ian Murdock wrote:

On 5/31/07, Al Hopper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 31 May 2007, James Carlson wrote:

> Roy T. Fielding writes:
>> As I said, the proposal is obviously wrong.  One of these days, Sun
>> marketing will stop trying to run this project from the peanut gallery,
>> but that doesn't change the fact that the proposal cannot be accepted
>> by OpenSolaris as written.
> On the plus side, it looks like ogb-discuss is a direct pipe to the
> pages of news.com.com.  We could do worse.

OR - we could have OGB members that think with their brains and not
with their fingers (over the keyboard) and do much, much better when
it comes to writing project proposals for highly visible OpenSolaris

Please cut us some slack. On the one hand, you want transparency.
So, we're being transparent, and you're seeing what's going on in
real time. We want to spin up a project so we can talk about product
requirements rather than simply present them to you, which by
definition means much of what's being proposed isn't fully formed,
and you criticize the proposal for being vague. What if Glynn had
posted a fully fleshed out PRD? Would you not be criticizing
him for not getting community input? You can't have it both ways.

[Hi Ian M]

Re "both ways": I (personally) want it one way. I want OpenSolaris to be successful. I want it to florish and be self-sustaining. I want it to be *the* model FOSS Operating System on the planet. I want it to act as a magnet and draw in other developers because of its broad accross-the-board appeal and superior technology, features, facilities, performance and (most importantly) participants. And I want to it to be seen as the FOSS project that outshines, outlives and out-"everythings" any/every similar effort. And from this perspective, top level Sun executives willing to commit resources to it is a very Good Thing (TM) and, project Indiana, or any other OpenSolaris based new distribution, is only Good News for OpenSolaris.

And I'm very much in favor of new ideas and new perspectives - such as the Indiana initiative. This is one of the reasons I stepped aside from the OGB - I believe that for OpenSolaris to be successful we need to attract new OGB members with new ideas, new energy and new perspectives. [that has already been accomplished]

But what I don't want to see is a half baked proposal presented on a public mailing list as a fait accompli signed by an OGB board member. And what I'm really miffed at is stuff like this:

"While many of those decisions can be made within that specific
project area, based on requirements, there may be a real need for a
sole arbitor, Ian Murdock"

Why? Because I've spent two years (along with many others) trying to persuade the masses that OpenSolaris is a community run project and not an extension of Sun Corporate. As Roy has already pointed out, there is no concept of a "sole arbitor" within OpenSolaris. And that concept of a "sole arbitor" is diametrically opposed to *everything* that FOSS is about. And OpenSolaris is a community FOSS Project - not a playground for a new, well connected, Sun employee with visibility/accountability to the highest levels of Sun executive management (meaning you of course).

What I anticipated, from what I read over the last several weeks, was a technically correct and competent proposal that was compliant with all the OpenSolaris rules, best practices and implied intentions which should serve as a model for anyone else to follow (remember OGB members are role models). Instead what was presented is a political nightmare. And it succeeded only in bringing the Indiana initiative to a dead stop.

Shoddy workmanship like this (proposal) will not attract developer mindshare and does not faciliate forward progress. And the ensuing political debate is a further unnecessary diversion - as expressed most elegantly by the illustrious Bryan Cantrill.

With all that said, AFAIK, it's water under the bridge and now we need to look forward and move forward with the Indiana initiative as quickly as possible.


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris Governing Board (OGB) Member - Apr 2005 to Mar 2007
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