On Thu, 31 May 2007, Bonnie Corwin wrote:

I'm sorry, but this doesn't work.

You can not expect community members to read all minutes from all OGB meetings (which don't happen regularly) to see if decisions were made that change policies and processes for OpenSolaris.

We have an -announce alias.  We have process directions on various web pages.

How does it make any sense to say that something approved in a meeting and captured in minutes is now policy that everyone has to follow? When there was no announcement, there are no new directions posted, and Eric's repeated emails saying he was continuing to set up projects using the old process were ignored.

Thanks you for saying this Bonnie. I have noticed lately that as we move forward, there's a lot of things that are being decided within issolated communities, and requires that a member of the OpenSolaris community at large follow all of these areas, including minutes, faqs, and each thread within a discussion group. Not for nothing, but most folks will not bother with such, and will most likely be unaware of many of them.

As a case in point, it was told that the device driver community was defunct because they didn't respond to a message sent out to them, and almost a dozen folks missed it. Irony is that the OGB seems to have had some messages fall through the cracks in regards to this thread, at least as stated by EricB. My parents used to say, do as I say not as I do...;-)


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group
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