On 5/30/07, Glynn Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1.2 Description

    This project proposes to create an OpenSolaris binary distribution
    with a long term goal of increasing the userbase and growing
    mindshare in the volume market by providing easy access to the
    technology created within the OpenSolaris community.

How does this distribution relate to the other distributions that exist?

How does it differ from the Solaris Express releases? In time, how will
it differ from upcoming Solaris releases?

What characteristics differentiate this distribution from the existing
community distributions?

Essentially, what issues does this distribution aim to address that
aren't being met by other distributions?

    A 6 monthly time based release schedule will focus energies in producing
    a single CD install, and putting OpenSolaris on a path to being a
    distribution as well as a source base. With a focus on the user experience,
    it is hoped that with wide distribution, the OpenSolaris ecosystem will
    grow, providing valuable feedback to the project.

For a single CD, you're clearly going to have to limit what's included.
Something will have to be left out. And that decision is going to define
some of the key characteristics of the distribution. Which key components
do you see this distribution having a focus on, and which areas are less
important and might be left out?

    This project will, over time, start to include many of the existing
    projects that are already being worked upon and stable enough to
    include under the opensolaris.org umbrella, encouraging the best
    innovation within the community.

Is the aim to use this distribution as a vehicle for delivering the results
of other OpenSolaris projects, or might you decide to ignore the OpenSolaris
work in an area and go with something else?  For example, do you anticipate
simply lifting JDS as the desktop and Caiman as the installer?

    With this proposal there is an opportunity to create a base
    distribution that other community groups can re-distribute for
    their own needs.

This is extremely valuable. Perhaps you could expand on your thoughts
in this area?

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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