Hugo Hernandez wrote:
Hello Folks,
we have configured a JumpStart server (boot + install server) for a cluster 
running Solaris 10 u06/6 and everything works fine.   We would like to create a 
second install server for Solaris 10 u11/6 but using the same JumpStart server 
(same box).
The problem is we have the JumpStart server completely automatized in the way 
that no user interaction is requested.   How can we specify which OS will be 
installed on a client booting from network and accessing the JumpStart server 
in an automated way?
Could you bring me some hints of a good source of documentation?
Best regards,
- Hugo
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When you use the add_install_client script you specify which machine will get which release of Solaris based on the -s option, example below:

add_install_client -c server:/jumpstart -e MAC -i IP address -p server:/path to sysidcfg file -s server:/jumpstart/Sol10/606/sparc machine sun4u

The jumpstart servers I use have multiple releases of Solaris installed, I simply install the client and point it to the appropriate release.

Robert Escue

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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