Joerg Schilling wrote:
Jim Grisanzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Artem Kachitchkine wrote:


I feel like you covered the floor with little metal balls - one would slip no matter where he steps. I think that extensive discussions here and on indiana-discuss have established beyond reasonable doubt that is indeed in a bit of an identity crisis.

hi ...

Oh, I think "crisis" may be a bit much. But you sure have put your finger on some of the dynamics. I view everything happening right now as really quite normal, though. We are growing. We are working our way through changes. Our identity is emerging, and we all are contributing to the creation of that identity. It's messy, sure, but that's good. That means that no single individual pulls the strings around here.

I also believe that there is a crisis. Look at the problems with the powerPC
porting project, check that the discussion content did change during the past
6 months. My impression is that this is because there is less real collaboration at eye-level between Sun and non-Sun people as expected for today
two years ago.


Hi, Jörg ... sure there are many things that we can improve on. My goodness, we all have long lists. And that's cool. But I don't view these things as problems (in the negative sense, anyway) and I can't think of anything on the project that is a crisis. That's all I'm objecting to is that one word. I'm not trying to diminish any of the challenges people are having, but characterizing things as a crisis just goes too far. Just a difference of opinion. I'm happy to help facilitate on PPC, too. Let me know.

Jim Grisanzio

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