As a switcher from Linux, you get really "turned off" on Solaris when you hear 
that you cant even correctly access a ntfs partition! Come on, this is not the 
1980's - my friends say when I tell them about Solaris. A "superior" OS as 
Solaris is, should provide you with the basic stuff; email, watch films/MP3, 
networking ntfs, etc - Linux has done that for ages! They say. 

I am glad though I can access NTFS at all. Until recently it was quite 
troublesome. So, it looks positive for Solaris at least, catch up on Linux 
sooner or later?

As a 2GB file limit on FAT32, I do not think it is correct. In windows I can 
copy 3GB files from ntfs to FAT32 without problems. The limit on FAT32 is 4GB. 
Im quite sure on this.

/A Linux switcher
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