> > Making it easy to install and maintain lowers the
> > bar, ups the sales by
> > Sun in both hardware and software - all benefit from
> > this. Microsoft
> > didn't grab a huge marketshare because of Bills
> > sparkling personality -
> > I can bloody well assure you of that!
> If the bar needs to be lowered, then the person in question wasn't
> meant to be in IT or in CS. We have pah-lenty of such "experts"
> floating around. They should go do something else, there are also
> pah-lenty of other well paid jobs in other fields. For example, car
> body repair. They make tons of money.

Plenty but comes unwilling to pay the huge amount - IT is a cost centre,
it generates no money directly for the company.

> In computer science, "lowering the bar" is also known as regression.
> And let me remind you my friend, Solaris wouldn't be what it is today
> if the bar had been lowered. Luckily for all of us and tons of
> customers.

Yes, but at the same time, there needs to be 'new blood' - lowering the
bar doesn't mean dumbing it down to the point of having a moron in
charge, but if it means it allows people to gently ease into it, then I
say 'lower the bar'.

> > Yes, and Sun and Ellison have been hammering on the
> > same garbage for 10+
> > years and hasnn't eventuated into anything.
> Don't lose focus. It's the concept that's important. The problem lies
> with the majority.
> Historia est magistra vitae - "history is the teacher of life" - and
> history teaches us that majority is stupid. If humanity were left to
> majority, we would still be living somewhere in the stone age. It's
> the individuals that have historically always pushed the whole of
> Humanity forward, which, let us not forget, kicked, screamed, and even
> hanged and burned people at stakes for trying to usher them into a new
> age of mankind.
> So it looks like the majority will have to be dragged into a new
> computing age once again. Kicking and screaming, as usual. Why am I
> not surprised?
> > Again, this is the same garbage spewed by Sun and
> > Ellison for 10+ years,
> > and again, nothing has happened. People are still
> > running PC's,
> Of course they are. Most of the people on this planet are computer
> illiterate, and actually want nothing to do with a computer. But they
> sure expect a lot from one!

Because people like me don't want to be beholden to a 'service provider'
who has me by the balls by virtue of all my files being on their
computer. I like the idea of owning my own storage, my own computer -
I'm ultimately the architect and creator of my own computing experience.


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