James Carlson wrote:
> Gerard Nualla writes:
>> How do i setup opensolaris to obtain an ip address automatically? I am 
>> getting my ip address from a dhcp server. 
> The easiest way is to do a Solaris Express Developer Edition install.
> It does that automatically by default.
> The next easiest way is to specify that you want to use DHCP when
> asked during a regular install.
> The next possible way is to use "sys-unconfig" to return the system
> back to the just-installed state, and answer the questions it asks on
> reboot.
> Finally, for the hard way, you can do something like this:
>       # echo > /etc/hostname.XXX
>       # touch /etc/dhcp.XXX
> ... replacing "XXX" with the name of the Ethernet interface of
> interest.  If the problem is that you don't know the name of the
> Ethernet interface, then try doing "ifconfig -a plumb ; ifconfig -a".

Of if you have build 62 or later, won't this work?

% svcadm disable svc:/network/physical:default
% svcadm enable svc:/network/physical:nwam

The nwamd(1M) man page explains how to check if you have the nwamd 
daemon. It's online too:


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