Gerard Nualla writes:
> How do i setup opensolaris to obtain an ip address automatically? I am 
> getting my ip address from a dhcp server. 

The easiest way is to do a Solaris Express Developer Edition install.
It does that automatically by default.

The next easiest way is to specify that you want to use DHCP when
asked during a regular install.

The next possible way is to use "sys-unconfig" to return the system
back to the just-installed state, and answer the questions it asks on

Finally, for the hard way, you can do something like this:

        # echo > /etc/hostname.XXX
        # touch /etc/dhcp.XXX

... replacing "XXX" with the name of the Ethernet interface of
interest.  If the problem is that you don't know the name of the
Ethernet interface, then try doing "ifconfig -a plumb ; ifconfig -a".

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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