Hey guys, I am sorry that I yelled a bit. I was in a bad mood and I shouldnt 
have done that. It was stupid of me. Please accept my apologizes!

I have got a very nice answer from DOUG SCOTT at
that almost seems to work. I will dig into it and try again.

And PHALAN, I will try your instructions too.

Now I have really good hope to get Wine going with two instructions sets up to 
date. I am active at several user forums, and I will post your instructions 
there. At the forums, there are several questions on Wine and Solaris, all 
answered negative.

The thing is, I am in love with Solaris and I really want to use it. I am tired 
of changing OS every now and then; C64, Amiga, MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, W95, Win 
NT, Win XP, Linux, and now what? Everyone had flaws. If I had invested all that 
time into Unix I would have become an expert now. Solaris is not flawless, but 
in my opinion it is the best Unix out there. I intend to devote all my time to 
Solaris from now on. No more switching OS. 

In my opionion, Blastwave and the likes, should be high on Sun's priority list. 
It seems that to compile a program under Solaris takes years of experience. Sun 
and you all guys are doing a terrific job with Solaris, and I and many more 
really appreciate what you do. Btw, Linux sucks! :o) I dont like Linus and as 
Stallman said: "well, Im not the one who wants to call GNU for Stallmanix". It 
seems hodge-podge helter skelter. Not stable APIs and stuff. Thanx for your 
time reading my first steps into the Solaris world, on my way on becoming an 
expert!! ;o)

BTW, how do I learn to compile things? Is there a book or something to learn 
this? I dont want to yell at people, I want to do it myself. Any tips? Any web 
sites? How?
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