On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 21:28 -0400, Brian Gupta wrote:
> The problem is that Sun in the past just keeps going for the 'high end
>         niche' eventually that niche will become so small it stops
>         existing - 
>         SGI is finding out that the hard way - hopeing to slash and
>         burn costs
>         whilst ignoring it is the uniqueness which bring customers
>         over, not
>         necessarily who can build the cheaper widget
> I beg to differ, as a Sun customer we are going commodity all the way.
> We haven't bought an Enterprise system since the 3800. Currently the
> majority of the Machines we are deploying are x4200s and T2000s. We
> are also investigating VMWare ESX running Solaris in a big way. (I
> wonder if there is room for a vmware community group on
> opensolaris.org)

But at the same time, it isn't purely 'dollars' it is however, about
dollars, stability, reliability, security, expandability etc. etc.

The point I'm getting at is people who crap on about "oh, Sun doesn't
focus on...." - well, if Sun doesn't focus on that, then they're saying
they don't want to grow. I've yet to hear of a company who is happy to
stay where they are, their profit remain static and happy that
marketshare is decreasing.

Simply pushing higher and higher up the requirements doesn't help growth
- that is why Sun has x86 machines, its all about volume, all about
increasing customer base - part of that is creating a platform so that
there is an end to end platform, from desktop to server to midframe -
standardise on equipment all from one vendor and use that as leverage to
get lower prices.


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