> So you're saying you may know what Indiana actually
> is? It seems to be a 
> moving target, changing from day to day. How could
> that mean anything to 
> anyone at this point I wonder?

I'm writing that it means something to a certain profile / group of people. As 
is evident from the ensuing discussions on the topic, everyone has their own 
idea of what "Indiana" should entail.

Personally, I believe it's nothing more than a marketing stunt and vaporware. 
Some of the already existing projects / products that have been in development 
for years will get bundled together and named "Indiana", but this will be just 
pure coincidence.

I predict that many will be sorely disappointed by the first release of 
"Indiana", because I've observed that expectations and hopes are very high, but 
people seem to neglect the fact that Ubuntu, and Linux in general, have had 
been in development for years before they became as polished as they are now.

Considering how much work on Solaris is ahead of us, and the ratio of end-users 
to developers, we've got a looong way to go, and it will take far longer than 
expected. That is, unless we either get an injection of developers or our 
end-users realize that the best way to "scratch their own itch" is to roll up 
their sleeves and help out with the code / gfx / audio... after all that's what 
happened to Linux and everybody accepts it, I don't see why that's unacceptable 
for Solaris.
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