On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Matthew Gardiner wrote:

> When Solaris has the same level of hardware support both out of the box and 
> official, and software availability in the form of off the shelf boxed 
> products from big name vendors, then Sun and its minions can be judgemental 
> over Windows. Until then, anything said against Microsoft and Windows by 
> those minions make the discussion little more than blind hatred of something 
> for no reason other than jealousy.

With all your comments about how poor the support on Solaris is, I have to 
wonder, wasn't it you who mentioned you installed this for your parents? 
If Solaris truely lacks the type of software that they would want, and Sun 
hasn't made any progress with Solaris over the past couple years, why is 
it that you installed it for them in the first place?

Are your parents developers? I don't get it. Solaris must have something 
going for it if you did in fact install it for your parents, or how could 
they use it?

Aside from the diatribe that has been mentioned here, I will say this. 
Solaris has been difficult for most to install, and it has been difficult 
at best for most of them to configure, but there are people that can do 
that. What is most amazing to me is that I know for certain that if 
Solaris is properly setup with a minimal amount of software, the average 
person can take it and use it. I have seen non-technical people do this 
first hand, and they've ran builds of S10 and older on their laptops for 
more than a year at a time.

You suggest Sun should spend a chunk of their savings to enhance the 
desktop. Well, I have to believe that someone knows what they're doing to 
keep a company with 35,000 people working for it going. I don't think it's 
by pure luck that they showed earnings of $0.09/share in the last quarter.


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group
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