Hi Matthew,

I know I'm not right man who should answer you, as I'm from Sun... But
look at it from another perspective:

V po, 06. 08. 2007 v 19:18, Kaiwai Gardiner píše:
> Agreed, but at the same driver - are drivers *truely* that secret? I
> mean, wpi for 3945 was developed in 'secret' - why? what possible loss
> of competitive advantage would it yield? looking at it from my angle,
> all I see are positives by way of consumers actually seeing and knowing
> that Sun are making/porting drivers to Solaris.

Are you sure that Sun employees had access to 3945 development except
the developer of it? The most of them didn't know about it. And it is
way how distributed development happens - somebody (or some team) is
working on something till point it is "compilable" or "usable" or just
"publicable". The level of this point is on the developer decision, as
usual in open source world. Some developers are publishing all their
steps, some are publishing something usefull for users. You had the
access to source code of wpi at the same time as the most of Sun
employees. Today you can find on bugs.opensolaris.org the responsible
engineer for all accepted RFEs, why not to contact him if you want to
help with development and/or testing of some particular RFE?

> I mean, if they're going to worry about 'competitive advantage' then why
> announce to the world support for a product that doesn't yet exist in
> the marketplace/still in development?

I don't think that in wpi case it was about competitive advantage. It
was just way how the most of drivers in open source are developed - by
some small team (typically with just one member), which is publishing
their results when they are ready for public, per their decision. You
can go and ask for source codes earlier if you want. And maybe the team
will do it for you.

And I don't know why File Events Notification API - PSARC/2007/027 is
not public. You can see who made the putback - ask him, maybe he is not
reading this list.

> Things should be merged into the public tree, just like they're merged
> inside the company. Everything that occurs inside Sun should occur at
> the same time on the other side - if a case log as been updated, then it
> should be accessible to the public.

But wpi wasn't merged to Sun tree significantly sooner (it tooks few
minutes, that sync between ON gate inside and outside). The developer
worked on his source code in his own workspace. As usual.

> Its all about transparency in the development process; and if it means
> that developers think out aloud on ideas - I'd sooner see Sun
> programmers conduct regular brain farts on a blog and know there is some
> cranium activity about future Solaris development than just sitting on
> the side lines praying something is occurring in the deep crypt of Sun.

Did you look at RFEs? Did you look at PSARCs? Did you look at projects
on opensolaris.org? And can you show me some really big project where
all developers are informing community about their actual work and
future plans?

Please, leave the decision about their openness on developers. Some
prefer public development (lots of Sun employee), some are working in
their own workspaces (lots of Sun employee).

You want just big amount of paperwork from us ;-) I hope the community
is not my second manager asking for weekly reports...

Best regards,


(not opensolaris developer, "only" Solaris sustainer)

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