> Excuse me, you're making the assumption that
> loud-mouths like me aren't
> willing to pay for Solaris - I am willing to pay for
> Solaris, but I'm
> not willing to pay for a Solaris whose hardware
> support is subpar. The
> day when Solaris gets up to the bar set my me will be
> the day I'll
> purchase Solaris and support.

Actually, I've made no such assumption; I didn't even mention it. I wrote about 
contributing code, graphics, audio, documentation and test suites to the 
OpenSolaris project.

But if you are going to bring in the issue of commercial support, part of the 
perks that come with 24/7 Premium support is calling in and getting an RFE 
worked on. That's what having a Premium support contract is all about. And a 
single CPU contract is even cheap.

With that out of the way, Casper is completely right in that expecting or 
demanding a paid-for like support of the OpenSolaris volunteers is 

As I wrote before, we have a disproportionate ratio of users to developers, so 
people will work primarily on "scratching their own itch", or working on things 
they perceive are critical and/or crucial to the project.

So if you guys want things to move forward, and in particular if you want 
things to move forward faster, then we need your help! It's OK if you don't 
want to or can't write code, there are other ways to help out (for example, 
with the documentation, or even with creating some graphics or audio), but 
demanding something be done yesterday and expecting commercial level support 
out of a community of volunteers is not going to help matters.

Think about it this: many of us have families, and when any one of us works on 
OpenSolaris in their free / spare time, that goes at the expense of our spouses 
and children.

So next time anybody here thinks of demanding or expecting something, please 
spare a few moments to think about giving some of your own time and effort back 
to OpenSolaris first.
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