Just filed a bug report.  Basically:

With build 69, the installation and initial booting were flawless.  However, 
during re-boot, the boot process went thru GRUB, showed the copyright notice 
screen, then froze.  I was never able to boot the machine again.

Re-installed build 69.  Same experience.  Only the initial boot.  Thereafter, 
the machine always froze at the copyright notice screen.

With build 64, only installation was successful.  Not even initial boot was 

With builds 55 and 57, everything was working--installation, initial booting, 
subsequent bootings.  Solaris Express really shines.  However, I lost the mouse 
cursor (I know the mouse still works--I can still click, but the cursor becomes 
"invisible") after the screen had gone through a suspend mode.  I suspect this 
problem may have something to do with the on-board mouse pad.

Again SX really worked great on this machine--especially the look and 
feel--when it worked.  Any suggestions/ideas will be greatly appreciated!
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