On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 09:13 -0700, UNIX admin wrote:
> > Why do you guys hate CDE so much ?
> Says who we hate it?
> All of us old-skool oldtimers have been using CDE for years and years
> and years.
> The problem with CDE is that it would require heavy, major development
> effort to bring into the 21st century; CDE is fast and consistent
> across all the major UNIXes, but it is old, old, old. As if that
> wasn't bad enough, CDE is proprietary, and freeing it would require
> major dough, as in $$$, USD, bucks!
> Who's gonna dish out that dough? Exactly! Nobody is that insane to try
> and free up an obsolete product with tons of encumrances and a major
> legal headache. That money is better spent paying the wages of driver
> engineers in China and getting more hardware support for the i86pc
> platform.
> > And why you guys have to rub it in us, who like CDE,
> > that you guys are going with pitch forks against the
> > "thing" ?
> CDE has outlived its useful life. GNOME is already the way of the
> future. The sooner you embrace it, the less it will hurt. Granted,
> GNOME is still slow and buggy on Solaris, but the kinks will be worked
> out.

Well, its not *that* bad; I mean, having used GNOME on Fedora and SLED
10 SP1, I've yet to see it dive to the depths of crappiness than GNOME
has done on those platforms.


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